Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Power of the phone in the future

Image Source: By: Bods
Have you seen the movie "Click"? Can you imagine using you cell phone as a remote to control things like Tim Allen does with his remote? I found an article at that says that with advances in technology in ten years, people will use their cell phones to control the Internet compatible things in their homes. This would relate to technology in the classroom, because by then every student will most likely have their own cell phone and they could use it in the classroom just as they could do at home. This would be a great way to get the students excited about learning because they could use their phones in class. Something else the article discussed was 3D Internet projects using virtual works. This will be something to look forward to if they are able to do this! I found this article very neat and it will be interesting to see if these advances in technology occur!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Classroom of the Future

Photo from: by: schockwellenreiter
Handheld computers are the new classroom of the future. I found an article at about handheld computers and the many benefits of having them. Hand-helds are something that each student could have, and would eliminate the problem of having to find a computer lab with computer or checking out the lab top cart. A stylus or detachable keyboard is used with them. As a teacher, you would be able to do great things like distribute your notes to the children through their hand-helds, without ever printing any paper. Students can take tests on them and have instant results. Students will not be drawing work on the hand-helds, or doing things like creating the school newspapers. The main benefit of them is that students will have the ability to write and collect data anywhere and then upload the information they find and gives them a sense of ownership. The best part is, that they are very cheap. You would be saving money in the long run if each student had one of these cheap devices. This relates to class, because when we become teachers, this is something that we may see take the place of or at least be an addition to the technology available to the students we are teaching. I felt this is a very informational article that would be very beneficial for all those to plan to be teachers in the future.
If you would like to see a video describing it, you can click here:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Technology In the Classroom

I found an article that discusses using the technology in the classroom at It addresses the idea that six years ago Internet was not something that would be used as a tool for teachers, but now it is very common. It then describes different ways to integrate technology in the classroom and also concerns with the Internet. Some of the different ways to integrate technology into the classroom is through research. You can have the students research anything on the Internet that you are teaching. The article also says that creating a website is another way to integrate technology. It suggests that you can have the students create a website about stories or poems that they have read. Online assessment is another way that this is described. You can use technology to create protects for the students to do or even have students take tests on the computer. The article then discusses concerns with technology and possible solutions for these concerns. Time is one concern that could be fixed by just starting with doing one project a year. Cost, is a problem that can be solved through working with your school or applying or grants if needed. Quality is another concern that you as a teacher can solve by reviewing the material yourself before having the students use it. I feel that this is a great article because it gives great ways for teachers to integrate technology and also discussing concerns that teachers may have. All of the ways to integrate are very good and the concerns are very common. As I was reading this article, I was thinking about Ed Tech and Design class, because we have discussed and used all of these benefits. We have researched information, created a website, and also created projects on the computer through kidspiration. All of the projects we have made are projects that involve technology and require students to use technology.
Photo source: By: James F Clay

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Phones becoming more advanced

As we look around the world today, we can see that cell phones are something that have become a must have and need for all people. As advances in technology continue to grow, so do the gadgets that cell phones offer. I found this article that describes the new Microsoft window's phones and The operating system that is in the phones, will allow you to use Adobe Flash support and will include an improved browser. The neat thing about it is that will be easier to use by touch of the finger. Another neat advancement is the IPhone app store that will be included. It is hard to believe how far they have come in the advances in technology to offer things these on phones. This is something that could be good or bad for education. If students all have this phone, they could use and operate Microsoft from their phones during class. Students may also be more interested and enthusiastic about the subject area if they are allowed to use their phone in the classroom. This could also bad in the affect that students would be able to do other things on their phone like texting or playing games while the lesson is going on. I think it will be very interesting to see if this sort of technology will used in classrooms soon and how it would be used.